Support Montwell Commons
Montwell Commons (the business name for the Greenbrier Valley Restoration Project) is a 501(c)(3) organization that owns over 8 acres of land adjacent to downtown Lewisburg. While 2 acres have been developed for commercial purposes, we are making plans to develop the other six acres for community recreational and educational purposes. Donations of time, expertise, and money from individuals and foundations will make this development possible. 100% of your donation will be used for capital improvements unless you specify otherwise. There are many ways you can become involved.
Donate at no cost:
Both Amazon and Kroger will donate a portion of your purchases to the charity you choose at no cost to you. Click on Amazon or Kroger to link Greenbrier Valley Restoration Project to your account.
Donate online:
Click on the PayPal Donate button
Mail a check:
Greenbrier Valley Restoration Project, PO Box 484, Lewisburg WV 24901
Make a Qualified Charitable Distribution from your IRA - it is exempt from Federal and State income tax
Share Your Expertise
Do you have experience or expertise in planning environmental or ecological projects, recreation opportunities, educational programs, or website development? By volunteering your expertise, you can help Montwell Commons achieve its goals.
Share Your Time
There are many opportunities to spend time at Montwell Commons helping with occasional construction or maintenance projects or on a regular basis working in the Demonstration Garden, maintaining the landscape plantings, helping with special events, or providing social media outreach.
Our goal is to build additional walking paths that will provide scenic areas with views of Lewisburg and continue landscaping the property with native species. Donating a bench or a tree marked with a bronze plaque is a meaningful way to honor and remember a special individual. Contact us to discuss how you would like to honor that special person.
Contact Us
If you would like to explore in more detail the ways to support Montwell Commons, here's how you can contact us:
US Mail: PO Box 484, Lewisburg WV 24901
email: montwellparkwv@gmail.com
cell phone: (304) 992-2555