It's been six decades since the Bluegrass Mill was in operation, the Old Red Mill Country Store burned down while it was being remodeled, and the Fort Savannah Village, museum, and Inn were being constructed. Several people in the community who participated in those events have been interviewed. They provide very valuable and informative details about the events, and they have related some interesting anecdotes.
Lewis Detch, Rosalie Detch's oldest child recalls having gone to the Bluegrass Mill with his father.
Herbert Montgomery, Dr. John Montgomery's youngest child, had visited the mill on several occasions and recalls how the Old Red Mill Country Store was remodeled and he helped fight the fire as a volunteer. He helped with the construction of the Fort Savannah Village museum and also the front section of the log building which served as the visitor center.
Paul Detch, Rosalie Detch's youngest child, helped develop the museum in the basement of the log building, and helped build the kitchen addition to the log building.
Jerry Clemons grew up in Lewisburg and Fairlea and held key engineering positions at Bendix, Combustion Engineering, and ABB. His father worked for several years at the Greenbrier Military School farms.
Their stories are collected under these topics: